Registration for powerlifting
Para Powerlifting Finnish Championships will be organised on Saturday 21st of January2023 in the Pajulahti Olympic & Paralympic Training Center. Weighing starts at 11am and the competition starts at 1pm in the Dance Studio of the Pajulahti Main Building. The event is open for foreign competitors. The official World Para Powerlifting rules will be in use.
The Championships are part of the international multisport event Pajulahti Games.
Participation fee: 20 €/athlete.
Registration until 6th of January: tuomas.torronen@paralympia.fi. Information needed: full name of the athlete, nationality, phone number, date of birth, weigh class and best result in that class.
Further information: Finnish Paralympic Committee, Tuomas Törrönen: tuomas.torronen@paralympia.fi, tel. +358 50 408 6152